Preset 153

Preset 153

  • 2005
  • Hardware, Software, Sound, Video
  • Description

    Invited by composer Alireza Frahang, we created an interactive sound and video installation, inspired by George Lucas' THX 1138 and for the Marimba Lumina controller; Real-time video component by me, and real-time audio component by Lorenzo. The heart of the video installation is the idea of varying the speed of video and cross fading between frames to get an eerie, smooth retardation (as can be done by a number of modules in aLib like ali.delay-xfade-ji.pat). The installation allows one to explore, mix, perform any piece of video, with a controller; notably, one is able to make the characters in the video move with one's own gestures.

  • Acknowledgements

    Collaboration with Lorenzo Bianchi, composer