aLib resonance models

Collection of resonance models of mostly percussion instruments.

aLib resonance models

  • Audio Processing, MaxMSP, Resonance
  • Description

    Resonance models made with ResAn from IRCAM's Diphone Studio. Analyzed instruments include: -Indian percussion instruments (Chakoa, Dhalki, Hand-Dhal, khol, Madal, Manjeera, Mirdangam, Stick-Dhal) -a set of 12 Ghanaian double-bells, recorded with hard and soft beater -Guitar strings plucked behind the bridge -SampleCell audio of Dumbeck, Gong Analysis modes are in the form of text files, and formatted like Max/MSP collections (number lines, semicolons at the end of lines). Each line of the text files contains the frequency, amplitude and decay rate of one frequency component in the analysis. Made for resynthesis with CNMAT's resonators~ max external for Max/MSP or PD.