Fall 2009: ART 1601: Introduction to Experimental and Media Arts
Professor: Ali Momeni
This introductory course explores the fundamental elements of experimental and media arts in general, and electronic art using digital production tools in particular. Students will explore a personal aesthetic and develop a critical framework for their ideas and work. Theoretical/critical readings, lectures, discussions, presentations of film, video, and new media artists are included.
The course is organized around 4 themes:
1. Image
2. Video
3. Sound
4. Performance
The weekly schedule follows this themes in order and allows students to explore combinations of media with increasing facility as the semester proceeds.
1. To introduce students to image/video/sound/performance and their digital production tools as a medium of artistic production with a unique visual, aural, and temporal language.
2. To foster the development of a personal aesthetic.
3. To enable students to explore and articulate the connections between digital art processes and more traditional art practices.
4. To explore historical and theoretical aspects of electronic and digital art and integrate that with their interests and creative production.
5. To provide introductory experience with creative coding for artistic creation.
6. To promote and support collaborative working pratices.
For more information see the class blog and the course syllabus.