The Posada Adventure
Jenny Schmid and Ali Momeni will present a site-specific performance that combines drawing, video projection and audience participation. This live cinema performance utilizes an array analog and digital instruments designed by Momeni, to combine video clips of audience members captured on site with Schmid’s drawings. Inspired by J.G. Posada’s political prints that playfully challenge power by combining human heads with allegorical bug bodies, Schmid and Momeni will present a piece that responds to the chaotic mayhem of despicable behavior by political leaders across the world. This piece merges sampled and animated images from J.G. Posada, images of the faces of audience members, heads of politicians and drawings by Schmid into a panoramic mash-up of absurdities. With the help of audience members, we will create a piece that reflects the chaotic chatter of the digital age, where gossip and international crises become equal players in the buzz and hum of daily political discourse.