I taught a workshop Anderson Ranch the summer of 2011. Here's the low-down (revised description):
Workshop Title: Miniature Worlds: Movement, Light, Gesture And Electronics
When: Jul 09, 2012 – Jul 13, 2012
Where: Anderson Ranch @ Snowmass, Colorado
Media and Techniques:
Electronics, Arduino-based micro-controllers, electromechanics (motors, solenoids and servos), dynamic lighting, software and programming (Arduino IDE, Cycling '74 real-time programming and Max/MSP/Jitter).
This workshop takes an interdisciplinary approach to working with live electronics, kinetics, light and imagery. Students explore the basics of electronics work with micro-controllers and strategies for using light and movement to animate a miniature space. The metaphor of a miniature world invites students to integrate their own creative practices (in two- or three-dimensional media) into mixed-media interactive installations.
Course Web-Page: here
Work samples: check out all the final project videos from last year's course blog!
This workshop shares much of its concept/content with a course that I teach at CMU called "Animated Theater". Look at the blog from this course to get a better sense of the approach.
Here are a few of my favorite final projects from last year….