The [finger] Tippler

The [finger] Tippler

  • 2010
  • Electro-acoustic musical instrument
  • Description

    Eight contact microphones, eight channels of discrete audio, and eight models of resonance. Now in its third version, I had a chance to make a few prototypes of a finger percussion instrument based on models of resonance and contact microphones.

    The synthesis techniques are described in my dissertation as well as various CNMAT pages on resonators.  You can find my package of analyzed resonance models here, and the software to play with them in aLib.

    The slideshow shows three iterative prototypes, all designed in Rhino3D and cut with a laser cutter out of masonite and plexi, including the last version demonstrated in the video example. The video example uses aLib-M4L, a package of Max for Live modules to be released in early 2011.

  • Acknowledgements

    Thanks to Drew Anderson for help with assembly and still documentation, thanks to Luke Anderson for video documentation help.