“Scalpel is a biannual publication created for an exclusive audience of 600 top executives at Pernod Ricard. Its role is to inspire creative collaboration with the best emerging talent in photography, film, art, technology, music, fashion, design, retail and gastronomy.
Scalpel brings together twelve thought leaders, or ‘Surgeons’, from the worlds of photography, film, art, technology, music, fashion, design, retail and gastronomy. Surgeons present a profile of their top five up-and-coming talents who they predict will breakthrough in the next 24 months to inspire creative collaborations between Pernod Ricard and the very best emerging creative talents.
Scalpel is a practical tool. It includes a directory so that the talent featured can be contacted and creative collaborations formed. The publication is supported by a website, events, workshops and an annual creative excellence award.”
More info here.
"Robin Meier and Ali Momeni." Scalpel: A shortcut to inspiration. 3.2 (2012): 50-51. Text.