Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation. This video demonstrates the usage of a JazzMutant Lemur for controlling the solenoids that generate smoke rings.
Tagged: Actuators
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, Cross formation
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation.
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, Arch formation
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in an arch formation.
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, voice activated
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation. In this video, the smoke rings are generated by the voice of a the visitor. The sound of the speaker’s voice is analyzed and used to trigger smoke rings, thereby turning the speaker’s [hollow] words into smoke.
Video: Day 6 of Smoke rings with Robin and Matt, the ensemble
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And so we make four…
Video: Day 5 of Smoke rings with Robin and Matt, the Valve
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Now we cover the hole when we’re not blowing.
Video: Day 3 of Smoke rings with Robin, Horizental
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Horizontal arrangement, various perspectives, and at the end, Jazz Mutant Lemur controlled.
Video: Day 2 of Smoke rings with Robin, Vertical
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Vertical arrangement and the view of the instrument’s guts.