Between July 27-31, 2009 I taught the 18th annual CNMAT Max/MSP/Jitter night school course (for my 9th time!). All course documentation is kept on CNMAT’s one-of-a-kind new music web portal: there you will find the course outline, video screen shots of some of the lectures, as well as patches and links.
Tagged: MaxMSP
2008 CNMAT MaxMSP Night School, taught by Ali Momeni
Posted & filed under Teaching.
Between July 21-25 of 2008, I taught the 13th annual MaxMSP Night School, hosted by CNMAT. This was the 9th year I taught at the night school, crazy!
I have posted all course material on CNMAT’s 2008 Max/MSP Night School page.
The MAW (Minneapolis Art on Wheels)
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Painting the wall MAW
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After party for the Minneapolis Bicycle Film Festival, got a few moments to paint the wall with light….
Arduino for Robin’s Storm machine, no more computers!
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I’ve been working on some software and electronics for Robin Mandel in order to realize his Storm. First I made a Arduino-MIDI-output-translator application that converted MIDI out of GarangeBand to on and offs on the Arduino’s Digital Outputs. Then I integrated the MIDI playback into the translator application.
But ultimately, best if the Arduino simply did it all, this way the Storm installation can run without a computer. The latest implementation does just that: first you translate the midi-file to a text format; then you load it on the the arduino as a part of a sketch; the sketch also integrates a potentiometer for setting the threshold of the light-sensor, and an LEd on pin 13 that gives visual feed-back about passing the threshold.
There are a couple of ingredients:
-A Stand-alone application that converts MIDI to a peculiar text file format. Get it here.
-An Arduino Sketch that takes care of the playback from the score, as well as the triggering using a light-sensor. Get that here.
Here’s a video:
and here’s the circuit, close up.
ArduinoBT :: Max/MSP
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ArduinoBt, talking to Max/MSP, using SimpleMessageingSystem.
Had many many troubles with this “programmer not responding” bull shit, but got it going eventually… still doesn’t exactly stay up for hours.
(i.e. get in touch if you’re one of the other brave few trying it!)
MIDI to Arduino
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Demonstration of a little stand alone application for translating MIDI to an Arduino‘s digital outputs.
The editable MaxMSP patch (and many more things) are a part of aLib. You will find the patch in the “for controllers” folder, within the “Arduino” section.
This application uses
–SimpleMessageSystem library for the Arduino platform.
–Cycling 74’s MaxMSP.
–Arduino USB drivers
-RetroWare’s MidiO plugin to allow GarageBand to send MIDI to other apps.
Many thanks to Nick Mariette for his help…
ARTS 5670 Interdisciplinary Media Collaborations: Treating Time
Posted & filed under Teaching.
I’m teaching a course along with Professor Doug Geers from the School of Music, on the topic of treating time. The course is titled Interdisciplinary Media Collaborations: Treating Time and here is the course description.
Light bulbs and ramping metronomes/tempo curvers
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This continues to be an incredibly rich playing field….
More light bulb action
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Now composing for sound and light in the same environment….
A very exciting development….
ARTS 3603/5630: Experimental Video
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My first course at the University of Minnesota’s Art Department focusing on generative video with Max/MSP> and Jitter.
Check out the course’s blog.
Light bulbs worky worky
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They be 120V AC bulbs at last, blink!
CNMAT MaxMSP Nigh School Student Evaluation Results
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Course evaluation form results from 2005, 2006 and 2007, with 38 out of 62 students responding to the survey.
A PDF version of CNMAT’s MaxMSP Night School Student Evaluation is here.
aLib resonance models
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Collection of resonance models of mostly percussion instruments.
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A library of abstractions and java scripts for Max/MSP; part of my doctoral dissertation from UC Berkeley. aLib is organized by category and folders and contains many help-files as documentation. aLib is currently under beta testing. Please forward all comments to Ali. Update 06.2009: new slim and friendly aLib; many things removed, the best kept; includes latest pattr space interpolation work…
aLib java
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Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, JazzMutant Lemur demonstration
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation. This video demonstrates the usage of a JazzMutant Lemur for controlling the solenoids that generate smoke rings.
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, Cross formation
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation.
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, Arch formation
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in an arch formation.
Video: Day 7, smoke rings final, voice activated
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Final video of the smoke ring quartet, placed in a cross formation. In this video, the smoke rings are generated by the voice of a the visitor. The sound of the speaker’s voice is analyzed and used to trigger smoke rings, thereby turning the speaker’s [hollow] words into smoke.
Video: Day 6 of Smoke rings with Robin and Matt, the ensemble
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And so we make four…
Video: Day 5 of Smoke rings with Robin and Matt, the Valve
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Now we cover the hole when we’re not blowing.
Video: Day 3 of Smoke rings with Robin, Horizental
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Horizontal arrangement, various perspectives, and at the end, Jazz Mutant Lemur controlled.
Video: Day 2 of Smoke rings with Robin, Vertical
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Vertical arrangement and the view of the instrument’s guts.
Lemur video instrument: the tics
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A real time video performance instrument made for the Lemur, for my friends at Jazz Mutant. Video is recorded at will into a delay line, and the delay line is explored with the fingers. We look for tics…
Lemur video instrument: the digits
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A real time video performance instrument that uses mass-spring models implemented with msd in Max/MSP/Jitter, to manipulate a structure with endearing behaivior. The instrument is made to be played with a Lemur, for my friends at Jazz Mutant.
Lemur video instrument: the hands
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A real time video instrument for working with multiple video loops captured in real-time and dynamically moved around the projection space with a Lemur for my friends at Jazz Mutant.
Lemur video instrument: the time-cube
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A real time implementation of something along the lines of this
but made to work with a Lemur for my friends at Jazz Mutant.
What You Say, How You Say It
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2005 ENSAD ARi courses taught by Ali Momeni
Posted & filed under Teaching.
In the 2005 academic year, I taught interactivity design and real-time programming at ENSAD‘s ARi program.
My Max/MSP/Jitter patches for the initial intensive workshop are here by day:
My students’ projects are documented here.
2004 ENSAD ARi courses thought by Ali Momeni
Posted & filed under Teaching.
In the 2004 academic year, I taught interactivity design and real-time programming at ENSAD‘s ARi program.
My Max/MSP/Jitter patches for the initial intensive workshop are here by day:
–One more day
My students’ projects are documented here.
2003 ENSAD ARi courses taught by Ali Momeni
Posted & filed under Teaching.
In the 2003 academic year, I taught interactivity design and real-time programming at ENSAD‘s ARi program.
My students’ projects are documented here.