Tagged: Robin Meier
“The Tragedy of the Commons” on Sculpturecenter
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“The Tragedy of the Commons is an installation piece created by artists Ali Momeni and Robin Meier, produced in collaboration with the Cleveland Botanical Garden. …”
Here is the Sculpturecenter’s announcement of “The Tragedy of the Commons” installation at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris.
“Serenity and Serendipity” in India, on Whatsupbharat
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The “Sound Reasons Festival” for Sound Art and Experimental electronic music took place in Delhi in November 2012 and included our work Serenity and Serendipity. There is more information about my project at Whatsupbharat.
The festival comprised of sound Installations, live music, sound performances and workshops.
Interview with Robin Meier in Nature
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In a Q&A entitled “Maestro of the Swarm” [Nature 481, 144 (12 January 2012)], my other half Robin Meier answers Laura Spinney’s questions about our collaborative works with insects, namely Truce and Tragedy of the Commons
“The Tragedy of the Commons” on Violaine Boutet De Monvel
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“The Tragedy of the Commons consists of a live experiment in the form of an installation, in which thousands of Atta ants – commonly known as leafcutter ants – create a choreography while reacting to certain flavors and smells expertly selected by Robin Meier and Ali Momeni with the help of the Laboratory of Comparative and Experimental Ethology of Paris 13 University.”
Read the full article on “The Tragedy of the Commons” here.
“The Tragedy Of The Commons” on Palais de Tokyo
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Here is a video of Interview with Robin Meier & Ali Momeni about “The Tragedy Of The Commons” by Palais de Tokyo on 2011.
Work in Progress: Ants [by Monitos]
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My collaborator Robin Meier and I are at it again, this time with leafcutter ants. Robin's been experimenting with the ants in a lab outside paris, while I explore how to build our colony of small friends a welcoming foraging scenario. Below, a prezi of some notes we're taking.
This work will be presented at Palais de Tokyo in July of 2011.
Press Reviews of Dynasty @ Palais de Tokyo and Musée d’Art Modern in Paris
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Below, two documents containing an exhustive listing of the "Review of Press" for the exhibition Dynasty, held at Palais de Tokyo and Musée d'Art Modern. Robin Meier and I showed two of our collaborative works Truce and A Tentative Call to the other at the two museums.
Many thanks to the staff at the two museums for collecting and sharing the two documents below. It led to priceless finds like this one…
interview with Robin Meier about “Dynasty” on Paris-art
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“Combining science and technology theories, both artists-musicians, Robin Meier and Ali Momeni, reflect the behavior of living acoustic tracks. Their work gives a new freshness to the question often debated, the interaction between man and machine.”
Elisa Hervelin had an interview with Robin Meier and me, it is published here.